Laugh Attacks and Kibbutz Brats

Shabbat, that centerpiece of Jewish life. It marks the seventh day of the Jewish week and the period of rest. For observant Jews it also means a period of not using electronics or doing anything related to work. This goes as far as not ripping toilet paper squares–single square dispensers […]

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Paddle Dancing and Jordan River Rafting

tzfat birthright

0700. I’m woken up by my roommates Omri and Andrew. A nice Israeli breakfast spread is waiting for us in this multi purpose room on the kibbutz. “Eat a lot! You won’t get to eat again for a while!” shouts Mickey. I ate eggs and some Israeli assorted salad items, […]

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Bangkok Vintage Night Market

Bangkok Vintage Night Market

Chris and I were feeling absolutely shattered after last night, especially after trying to sweat out the alcohol with a high intensity workout on only a few hours of sleep. The day was ruined. A low key night was in order–no more drinking. There’s this vintage night market we learned […]

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Crushed legs and Prison Camps

I sit beside Devin.  I keep trying to write ‘Ari’ because he looks a lot like Ari.  He was really tall and pretty much needed both seats for his legs.  Felt bad to make the guy crunch in his seat, but it was whatever. We chat and eventually reach the […]

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